Clear distinctions are often made between academic smarts and common sense as if one is preferable over the other. And I suppose the verdict to that debate depends on what kind of subculture you frequent. But if we turn our attention to the latter (common sense) it does open the door to a colorful conversation.
Unlike the image to the left, not all lessons come at a steep and painful price. But then again, if I’m truthful, I learn obedience to God, discipline, faith and a host of other virtues from the journey. For instance, I learned about the dangers of peer pressure by experiencing the banishment that results when you don’t give in to it. That’s one example.
I mean, we always talk about the dangers of doing what the crowd says to do but what about when you don’t and are punished. That’s the “UNIVERCITY” in which adolescents live. That’s the school we all attend and the rearing grounds in which we’re tested. Refuse peer pressure, experience rejection and learn that if you’re willing to suffer the abuse, the autonomy of right choices is very much worth it. Could it be that you weren’t put here to arrive some place but rather to pay close attention to today’s lesson whatever it is? Universal lessons are being taught all throughout the city and there’s no waiting list nor an add/drop deadline. The syllabus is hard to come by but one thing is guaranteed. Everything you learn will be used after graduation.
hey mr.coulter you what youre doing out there you are going to influence those kids lik you did to us…i love reading you blogs???lol
miss you mucho……