Strong to the Finish (Spinach Optional)

Strong to the Finish...Spinach Optional
Strong to the Finish...Spinach Optional

The Lame Duck was and is the injured duck who can no longer keep up with the flock and has become a target for predators. A burning bridge is…well…a burning bridge and you neither want to be on it or the cause of it.

In the 19th century, the term Lame Duck began to be used for an official approaching the end of a term who had very limited political power. The Lame Duck is often accused of taking his proverbial foot off of the gas because he can’t get much accomplished. Put the words Lame Duck with Burning Bridge, however, and it sounds like Jackie Chan just entered the building. It makes for an exciting image.

I’m currently in the process of leaving one career and attempting a new one (actually the same one just under a different guise). But the last thing I want is to finish like a chump – a word used throughout the years to refer to a foolish person. Only a chump leaves his job with guns blazing in a tirade of apathy and contempt.

Basketball taught me how to win and I’m still learning how to lose with class but leaving one job, team, organization, etc. for another means doing so with dignity. Strong to the “finich.”

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2 Comments on “Strong to the Finish (Spinach Optional)”

  1. Mr. Couter you are such a great teacher and i will miss seeing you in class everyday.This will be really hard for me but i know that you are going on to do bigger and better things.

  2. Tori
    There’s nothing bigger and better than the lives of you guys. You’re just as big. But I thank you for understanding that even us teachers have callings that sometimes take us away from teaching. You have great potential and I’m so glad to have taught you. Please keep reading, thinking and posting comments. I’m cheering for you even if from around the globe :-).