God interviews Man
Over the years actors and comedians have made light of God’s existence because of the world’s apparent dismal state. Wars, atrocities of the most inhumane sort, natural disasters, famine, etc. line the list of logical gripes against the notion of a loving God. Actor Robert De Niro, when asked if he believed in God, once responded to the talk show host, “If God exists, he’s got a lot of explaining to do” (uproarious applause from the crowd).
Before 6ixth Man had a brand name, its ingredients formed in me and largely through questions I thought God fired back at me during times when I lamented over the pain of dissatisfaction. I can’t remember the questions specifically but if God interviewed me, an average man with bones to pick, here’s what I think he’d ask me:
1. Have you been helped yet?
2. Why are you so upset? Are you mad at me or at what I refuse to give you?
3. Are you dying?
4. In what do you trust?
5. Have I been unfair to you all of your life?
6. Does man’s cruelty make me cruel?
7. Is there any other way to teach you the hard lessons than by subjecting you to the same world in which everyone else lives?
8. Can you detect my love in the midst of your struggle amidst feelings that you’ve been abandoned?
9. Do you expect more than you should from people?
10. Are you going to do something or continue yelling?
11. Who are you?
12. Do you really think I’m the enemy?
It’s hard for me to live everyday without putting myself in the hot seat. Self-awareness runs counter to my habit of justifying myself. I had to let go of my rights to my life to play my 6ixth Man. Let’s see what today holds.
John 12:25 (Contemporary English Version)
25If you love your life, you will lose it. If you give it up in this world, you will be given eternal life
What a paradox, the upside down kingdom
hey Mr.Coulter good blog.
i loved this one add to my favo list!!!